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25 to life for mother's murder, Manchester man faints in court
Barbara Gayle, Justice Coordinator

KINGSTON, Jamaica:
The police had to provide assistance to Manchester architect Edenester Clarke who fainted in the Home Circuit Court today after learning that he would have to serve 25 years in prison before being eligible for parole.

Justice Leighton Pusey had earlier sentenced Clarke to life imprisonment.

He was convicted last month of the August 31, 2011 murder of his 65-year-old mother, Daisy Smith.

The Crown, represented by Andrea Martin-Swaby and Gavin Stewart, led evidence that Clarke killed his mother because he wanted to sell the house they lived in.

Meanwhile, also in the Home Circuit Court today, the two men convicted of the 2011 murders of a St Andrew couple were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Rohan Reid also called Stone and Damion Walker also called Bruno were each ordered to served 30 years before being eligible for parole.

The sentence was handed down by Justice Bertam Morrison.

The Crown had led evidence that on the morning of July 11, 2011 the men shot and killed Clive Baker and his common-law wife Camille Daley.

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Published: 2014-03-21 17:51:27
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